Islam and Freemasonry
Are Freemasonry and Islam compatible? A paper by W.Bro. Shaikh Hatim Fidahussein Nakhoda PM, Research Lodge St. Michael No. 2933, Singapore, District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelego, UGLE.
....Islam has been much in the limelight these days. I have been diligent in attending to my duties as both, a Mason and a Muslim and have come to realise that Islam and Masonry are indeed compatible. Freemasonry may even be considered complementary to Islam as its principles only go to reinforce a Muslim brother’s own faith; contrary to the misconceptions widely held among my Muslim brethren from various sects. The distrust perhaps arises from the fact that masonic symbols are derived from segments of the Old Testament such as the Temple of King Solomon, which gives the uninstructed world the erroneous impression that masons are Zionists...