The first meeting under dispensation was held March 24th, 1877, with I. C. Bassett as W.M., J. G. McOllough, S.W., and Charles Hearn, J.W. At this time Cornelius J. Hart was Grand Master.
Charter was granted September 18, 1877 and the Grand Master appointed Brother E. I. Elliott, Worshipful Master of Del Norte Lodge No. 29, to act for him to constitute Olive Branch Lodge No. 32. Worshipful Brother Elliott, with a number of members of Del Norte Lodge No. 29, constituted this Lodge on October 3, 1877 with J. N. Payton as W.M., Charles Hearn, S.W., and C. W. Baldwin, J.W.
The first meeting place of the lodge was the room of Centennial Lodge No. 23, I.0.0.F.
The first recorded visit of a Grand Master to this lodge was June 23, 1900 with 18 Masons present. Joseph W. Milson was the Grand Master.
Brother Charles Tarbell, who has been a member of No. 32 for 49 years, has served some 33 years as Treasurer.
In the beginning No. 32 met on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. However, in 1880 a change in the Bylaws permitting them meetings “with the moon” was submitted to the Grand Lodge for its approval, and was granted.
All through the years, many of the minutes show that this lodge has looked after the welfare of its members, paying for doctors and funerals and helping the distressed not only with financial assistance, but also looking after the moral standing of its members. As early as 1890, the minutes show that this lodge observed St. John’s Day, inviting members of Monte Vista and Del Norte to be guests.
Starting with 17 Charter Members, No. 32 has raised 208 Brothers over the years, 21 have been admitted by affiliation and 77 have dimitted.
The 1960 membership is 88