Prior to July 1898, there were only four Masons in Southern Routt County, and six in Steamboat Springs; in July 1898, these ten Masons decided to petition the Grand Lodge to organize a Lodge Under Dispensation at Yampa, Colorado. The dispensation was granted and the first regular meeting was held August 8, 1898 with W. J. Breckel as Worshipful Master.
The first petition received was from John P. Phillips of Yampa, a pioneer ranchman and stock raiser. At each successive meeting petitions were received in groups of four.
August 14, 1899, being the first anniversary of the Lodge U. D., a banquet was held with Craig Lodge as the guest and all ladies invited.
On October 9, 1899, Deputy Grand Master A. A. Bernard constituted Egeria Lodge No. 106, A. F. & A. M., and presented its charter signed by twenty-four Master Masons all of whom have passed on, save Levi A. Trantham. W. J. Breckel was elected the first Worshipful Master of No. 106.
In November 1901, the membership was 105. In that year Egeria Lodge lost 24 members to the newly formed lodge at Steamboat Springs; in 1926 Oak Creek Lodge took 17 members, making a total loss of 41 members.
The original home of the Lodge was on the second floor of Hernage Mercantile Store. Later it moved to a hall next to the Male Drug Store which was subsequently lost by fire. The present home of the Lodge is on the second floor of what was originally the Town Hall, now owned exclusively by Egeria Lodge No. 106.
The Grand Lodge record as of November 1960 shows a membership of 75