On February 23, 1892, Grand Master Maxwell issued a dispensation to eleven Master Masons to meet and form a lodge to be known as Lafayette Lodge U. D. with Brothers John M. Van Deren, Worshipful Master; John M. Symington, Senior Warden and David F. Davis, Junior Warden. This petition was recommended by Garfield Lodge No. 50.
The Committee on Returns and Work having examined the records, found them to be accurate and neatly kept, the By-laws in accord with Masonic law, and recommended that Lafayette Lodge No. 91 be chartered. The record of work showed 7 initiated, 2 passed and 2 raised. The total petitioners for Charter were fifteen.
Most Worshipful Grand Master Wright constituted Lafayette Lodge No. 91 and installed Brothers John M. Van Deren, Worshipful Master; John H. Simpson, Senior Warden; and Gustav W. Runge, Junior Warden.
Lafayette Lodge No. 91 was burned out as were several other Lodges and on January 31, 1900, Grand Master Burnard signed a duplicate charter. In the proceedings he said, “If, as it has been said, it is more laudable to suffer great misfortune than to do great things, then have our brethren been gainers by their ill fortune”.