On May 15, 1907 the first regular communication of the Kit Carson Lodge, U. D. was held. The petition for dispensation was signed by Bros. S. A. Johnson, Wm. Hansz, George Elliot, Charles Schroyer, John White, John Rose, George Rose, John Wright, Jasper Rose, Corra Hutchens, and Edgar Hammond. Arthur E. Jones was the Grand Master at the time of the petition. Burlington Lodge No. 77 and Kiowa Lodge No. 116 recommended the petition be allowed.
The first brother to be raised in this lodge was Robert Cameron who was raised on July 31, 1907.
The lodge was named after the Indian Scout, Kit Carson, who was a Mason.
Kit Carson Lodge No. 127 was instituted on November 20, 1907 by Joseph A. Davis, Grand Master of Colorado.
The lodge was constituted on September 17, 1907 by Grand Master Arthur E. Jones with the following charter members: S. A. Johnson, Wm. Hansz, John White, John Rose, Edgar Hammond, George Elliot, Corra Hutchens, Wm. Goodson, Charles Schrayer, John Wright, Albert Blomberg, Robert Cameron, Ora Davison, David Epperson, Judd Roberts, George Rose, Joseph Rose, and Marion Saxton.
On October 2, 1915 the Grand Lodge of Colorado laid the corner-stone for the Flagler High School.
Brother Arthur Lockwood who lives in San Carlos, California, is the oldest living past master.
Brother William Emery is the oldest living Master Mason who was raised in this lodge.
Brother Claude Ervin is the next oldest living member.
Brother Hamer Shaw is the oldest member who has transferred from another lodge.
Brother John A. Thompson received a 50-year pin.
Brother Ora Davison served the lodge as secretary for some thirty years.
Brother Hal Borland, the well-known writer, has been a member of this since 1921.
Membership, November 30, 1960 84