Hibiscus Masonic Review January 21, 2009 by Masonic Book ReviewsAn international journal of Masonic History and Culture. Vol.2 - 2008. Edited by Peter J. Millheiser. Read moreHibiscus Masonic Review
The Compasses and the Cross. History of the Masonic Knights Templar. November 18, 2008 by Masonic Book ReviewsThe real history of the origin and development of Masonic Knights Templar without indulging in fanciful myths. A book by Stephen Dafoe. Read moreThe Compasses and the Cross. History of the Masonic Knights Templar.
Committed to the Flames October 27, 2008 by Masonic Book ReviewsThe history and rituals of a secret Masonic Rite. For the first time, all of Folger's ritual manuscript has been deciphered in full. A book by Arturo de Hoyos 33 and S. Brent Morris 33. Read moreCommitted to the Flames
Une Certaine Idée de la Franc-Maςonnerie September 27, 2008 by Masonic Book ReviewsLe nouveau livre maςonnique par Alain Bernheim. Une référence indispensable pour les historiens. Read moreUne Certaine Idée de la Franc-Maςonnerie
Western Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation September 20, 2008 by Masonic Book Reviewsby Henrik Bogdan. What has a modern witch to do with a mason of the eighteenth century? Actually,quite a lot. Read moreWestern Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation