The first recorded minutes of No. 44 are dated May 19th, 1881 with Albert Adler as Worshipful Master and Thomas M. Finley as Secretary. At this meeting two Petitions were presented. Brother M. Borosh was the first candidate to receive the three degrees. On November 5th of the same year, this Lodge received its Charter. The first Masonic Funeral was held two years later, May 1883.
The minutes of a meeting in Deccmber, 1884, contain the following two new rules: 1. “There is to be no smoking in the Lodge Hall.” 2. “The candidate for the Master Mason Degree must no longer be required to set up a free dinner for all who attend his initiation.”
A great day, September 14, 1887, for No. 44: the laying of the corner-stone of our new Temple located at the corner of San Juan and Main Streets by the Grand Master of Masons for the State of Colorado!
In 1919 the Lodge secured a burial plot in the City Cemetery. About this time, the San Luis Valley Masonic Association established a beautiful campsite known as Masonic Park, located several miles above South Fork. It was operated by this Association until 1940. In 1920, there were 125 initiated to the First Degree and 62 were raised. Brother Gilbert Sheesley was the Worshipful Master.
In 1921 a member of the Lodge, Marshall H. VanFleet was elected Grand Master. Many well known names appear on the Guest Book, among which are Chief Justice John Adams, Chris Wallrich, Historian, and ‘Governor Ralph Carr.
Over a period of these many years several Brothers have received 50 year pins. Among them are: W. A. Dudley, Chris Wallrich, Ira Richardson, Harry Good, Vic Bracket and Herb Curtis.
The Lodge held its meetings in several different places but the year 1956 saw the original mortgage paid in full. The Temple has been rebuilt and enlarged on two occasions.
In the Minutes of a meeting held in August 1894 the following item was recorded: “A Brother requested a loan of $20 which request was denied by the Lodge, however, immediately after the Brothers rasiesd the necessary amount and gave it to the needy Brother.”
In 1907, the Lodge laid the corner-stone for the First Baptist Church.
Membership, 1960 331