Until 1925, there were only three Masonic Lodges in the North Denver area, and a growing need was frequently expressed for an additional Lodge in this community.
On February 8, 1925, Brother Walter E. Tufford, Secretary of Berkeley Lodge No. 134, invited Brothers Blakely, Aldrich and Harvey B. Anderton to his home for the purpose of discussing tentative plans for the formation of a Masonic Club.
As a result, a petition for a new Lodge under dispensation, signed by fifty-two Master Masons, was submitted to Grand Secretary William W. Cooper on May 7, 1925 and granted by Grand Master William N. Vaile on May 16, 1925 with Brother Arthur E. Aldrich as Worshipful Master.
The first meeting of Paul Revere Lodge U. D. was held in Highlands Masonic Temple on May 20, 1925, and on June 3, 1925, the first third degree was conferred on James A. Owenby. During the months of May, June, July and August, 1925, twenty-six petitions were received.
On August 19, 1925, stock was purchased in the Highland Masonic Temple Association, so that Paul Revere Lodge might share part ownership in its future Masonic Home.
August 25, 1925 was the last regular communication of Paul Revere Lodge U. D. as a charter had been granted to Paul Revere Lodge No. 162 and on September 29, 1925, it was consecrated, dedicated and constituted by Grand Master Frank G. Mirick with Arthur E. Aldrich as Worshipful Master.
The first meeting of Paul Revere Lodge No. 162, under its Charter, was held on October 7, 1925. The first Past Master’s night was on April 29, 1926.
A new set of officers jewels, purchased by the first officers of the Lodge, was presented on May 19, 1926.
The first lodge picnic was held July 11, 1926 at Shadow Mountain. A ladies night was celebrated on April 17, 1926.
Paul Revere Lodge officers and members were quite active in these early days on the Fitzsimons Hospital Committee.
The record of the Grand Lodge as of November 30, 1960, gives the present membership of Paul Revere Lodge No. 162 as 1,043.