Late in the year 1913 and early in the following year, a group of Masons held organizational meetings in office rooms of the Gas and Electric Building. Later meetings held in the Masonic Temple at 1614 Welton Street resulted in a petition for a dispensation signed by 42 Masons. The name selected resulted from the remark that it was an inspiration to assemble so many sojourning Masons and form a Lodge.
On March 23, 1914, M.W. Bro. William S. Pickerill granted a dispensation After the granting of a charter on September IS, 1914, the lodge was consecrated, dedicated and constituted by M.W. Bro. Charles H. Dudley on October 2, 1914. At this time there were 64 charter members.
The lodge had obtained a good start when America became involved in World War I. The Lodge survived those hectic days; the times when public gatherings were curtailed because of influenza epidemics; the times when the post-war slump was felt throughout the land.
During an even later depression. in 1932, the lodge’s Welfare Fund actually increased during the year. For several years of its existence the lodge had to keep very close watch over expenses but still managed to serve the traditional refreshments and to honor requests for relief and assistance from needy brethren.
The membership has grown to 505 as of November 30, 1960.