It is by our exemplary conduct as Masons in raising our families and in our business and professional relationships, that we will attract new men to our Fraternity. When we speak of the moral and ethical principles of Freemasonry only within the Lodge, they can become stale and routine recitations of ritual. But when we begin to live by these precepts and apply them in our dealings with our families, friends, and the society at large, not only will we have an effect on those around us, but also we will attract new members and Masons to our Lodges.
On May 27th’s stated meeted we welcome two new Entered Apprentacies and look forward to sharing the fine principles of our institution. In preparing for these degrees I am reminded of the lessons of the working tools of an EA, however a 48 inch guage and larger Common Gavel would be welcome. We also will welcome the Grand and District Lecturers so it will be a full evening.
Our Scholarship dinner will be postpotponed due to a conflict with the recipients schedule, however we will be discussing a special lunch or dinner to make our formal presentation as well as honor our new EA’s while we are dark. It has been discussed that we revive a tradition that is long overdue at our lodge and make these presentations at the St. John’s Picnic.
This is our third stated communication of the Lodges intent to move our meeting time from 7:30 PM to 7:00 PM. We will be presenting this amendment to Grand Lodge and expect approval. There will be a special communication before we return from being dark confirming the change in our stated meeting time.