In answer to a petition headed by late Most Wor. Bro. George W. Roe and signed by 28 other sojourning Masons, Grand Master William D. Wright issued a dispensation on April 2, 1893. The next evening in the Hall of South Pueblo No. 31, Silver State Lodge U.D. held its first meeting. On Sept. 20, 1893 the Lodge was constituted. On Oct. 14, 1893, 34 Masons signed the charter. First officers were George W. Roe, W.M.; Andrew Park, S.W.; and John J, Willard, J,W.
On Feb. 22, 1894, the Lodge moved to the top floor, Pioneer Building, 119 So. Union. In June of 1899 moved to the Hobson Building, N.E. Corner Third and Santa Fe Ave., meeting place occupied jointly with No. 17 until 1910 when both Lodges and three other Masonic bodies purchased Mechanic’s Building-renamed Masonic Building at 207 N. Main. Lodge moved to Scottish Rite Temple, its present (1961) meeting place, in December, 1952.
Lodge has participated in all meetings of Grand Lodge in Pueblo, some of which are: Corner-stone laying of million dollar Court House, 1908; Corner-stone laying of Police Building on February 22, 1949, when, because of strenuous objection of secular clergy, 1,500 Masons and friends gathered at the site of the ceremony; Corner-stone laying of County High School Building on Highway 50 near Vineland, Colorado; and Corner-stone laying of Park Hill Junior High.
During roaring twenties, membership rose from 227 in 1920 to 341 in 1930. During the thirties, membership fluctuated. The “Furious Forties” saw an increase in petitions. Candidates raised in 1941 were 101.
Lodge sponsors special events each month. Lodge Masonic Symposium. As many as 650 dinners have been complimentary.
No. 95 sponsors the C. & C. Fund supplied by voluntary donations of members and sojourners which has given inestimable service to widows, orphans, and brethren. Outstanding and prominent members: Most Worshipful Brother George W. Roe, Grand Master, 1896, four times Master of No. 95; Worshipful Brother Earl W. Spencer, Master 1935, Grand Commander K.T., Colorado, Charter Member of Al Kaly Shrine, presently (1961) 36th term as treasurer, officer First Baptist Church, 40 years, practicing Dentist more than 50 years.
Wor. Bro. Anthony Riesenecker, P.M. No. 95, Secretary Emeritus at time of death, Past Grand High Priest.
M. Wor. Bro. Hubert Glover, present (1961) member of Jurisprudence Committee, Grand Master 1953, County Judge 28 years, Methodist Sunday School Teacher 30 years, Honorary Citizen, New Orleans, receiving keys of city, 1952.
November 30, 1960 membership 1,155