Salida Lodge No. 57
A.F. & A.M.
P.O. Box 15 • Salida, CO 81201
Cornerstone Ceremony
By request of the City of Salida and Chaffee County, a cornerstone will
be laid for the newly renovated “Touber Building”
(old Denver Rio Grande Railroad Hospital),
located at 448 East First Street in Salida, Colorado.
The Grand Opening event will be the completion of converting the old
hospital into the new government offices for Salida and Chaffee County.
Date: Friday – April 30, 2010
Lodge Opens: 12:30 P.M.-140 West Third Street
Ceremony: 2:00 P.M.
* Light Lunch at Lodge Hall beginning at 11:30 A.M.
Please E-mail Worshipful Master, Charles Heard at – cheard3@q.com
or call the Secretary – Bob McCormick at 719-539-2682 if you plan to
attend the lunch.