On December 4, 1906 a petition was received by Grand Master Jones from fourteen Master Masons to form a new Lodge at Manzanola, Otero County, Colorado. Dispensation was issued December 10, 1906 for forming this Lodge with John Calvin Vroman, Worshipful Master, William Harvey McCaskill, Senior Warden and Friend Joseph Effner, Junior Warden. It was named Manzanola Lodge U. D.
At the Grand Lodge communication in September, 1907, the Committee on Returns and Work recommended this lodge be chartered since they had initiated 13, passed 13 and raised 13, their books were in order, and the bylaws were approved with additions and corrections by the committee. Charter was issued, naming it Manzanola Lodge No. 124, Brother John Calvin Vroman, Worshipful Master; William Harvey McCaskill, Senior Warden; and Friend Joseph Effner, Junior Warden. 28 other names were on the Charter. The committee congratulated them on their records and predicted a bright future. Grand Master Davis convened Grand Lodge on November 19, 1907 for the purpose of constituting Manzanola Lodge No. 124 and installing its officers.
Membership on November 30, 1960 69