Some 27 years after the founding of the town of Limon, on March 24, 1915, a group of Master Masons met to discuss the possibility of organizing a Masonic lodge in Limon. No one present was well versed in Colorado work and a brother from Flagler assisted in coaching the officers.
A dispensation was granted on June 24, 1915 and on November 6, 1915 the lodge was duly consecrated, dedicated and constituted by the Grand Lodge. The name “Lincoln” had been chosen as a compromise when several other names had been proposed.
The minutes of the-meeting of March 17, 1919 read in part: “Under the head of new business, the matter of building a Masonic hall in Limon was brought to the attention of the lodge for discussion. . .” A corporation was formed and its success was such that August 30 of that year the corner-stone of the building was laid. The Lodge moved into the building in January, 1920.
On November 6, 1939, Grand Master Francis J. Knauss dedicated the then unencumbered temple, the last indebtedness having been paid.
Membership as of November 30,1960 was 129.