In the early part of 1918, when our country was engaged in World War I, when our President, our statesmen and our armed forces were endeavoring to exemplify to the world the significance of the word “Liberty”, a group of Master Masons conceived the idea of a Masonic lodge in the northwest part of Denver. The petition for a dispensation was signed by 20 Masons.
A story has it that a more or less friendly race to Fort Collins, the home of the then Grand Master, determined the order in which the dispensations asked for were issued. That the men of Liberty won the race over the members of Palestine Lodge is shown by the number 150 as compared to number 151.
The dispensation was granted March 17, 1918 and on March 18 a meeting held in Lovell Hall, at W. 44th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard. This was the first meeting of Liberty Lodge U. D.
On September 26, 1918 the Grand Lodge 150, with M.W. Bro. Clarence M. Kellogg granted on September 17.
On June 26, 1919 the lodge took the first steps to secure a temple. Nearly two years later, on January 27, 1921 the lodge voted to change the meeting place to the Highlands Masonic Temple, then at 3220 Federal Boulevard. In July of that year it was voted that the Lodge join others in the construction of a new temple. March 12, 1927 the Grand Lodge met to lay the corner-stone of that new building at 3550 Federal Boulevard. This temple was dedicated on October 30, 1928 and on November 22 of the same year Liberty Lodge held its first meeting in that ne temple.
On November 30, 1960 the membership of the lodge was recorded as 706, highly satisfactory growth from the days of 1918.