After much discussion, a meeting of the Masonic Brethren of Kiowa, Colorado, was called on August 9th, 1902, to consider the formation of a Masonic Lodge. Brother Daniel T. Cort was chosen as Chairman of this meeting, and Brother Benjamin F. Morrison as Secretary. It was decided to form a permanent Lodge, and a committee to arrange for a meeting place was appointed. A “Petition for Dispensation” was signed by ten Brothers, and was sent to M. W. Bro. George D. Kennedy, M. W. Grand Master, with the fee of $40.00, on September 16th, 1902. The formation of a new Lodge was recommended by Weston Lodge No. 22, of Littleton.
The “Petition for Dispensation” was accepted, and a dispensation to form a new Lodge was issued by the Grand Master, M. W. Brother Marshall H. Dean, on Sept. 16th, 1902, the necessary investigations having been made. The first meeting of Kiowa Lodge U. D. was held in the Cort-Hames Hall, Dec. 27, 1902. W. Brother Bernard C. Killin as W.M., W. Brother Benjamin T. Morrison as S.W., and W. Bro. Lewelyn P. Evans as Sec’y. The Lodge held regular meetings while under dispensation and had some work on the degrees.
A charter was issued by M. W. Bro. Marshall H. Dean, with Bro. William D. Todd as Grand Sec’y, on Sept. 16th, 1903. Fifteen Brothers were listed on this charter. The first Stated Communication of Kiowa Lodge No. 116, A. F. & A. M., was held on Dec. 4th, 1903.
The Lodge held its meetings in the Cort-Hames Hall until 1911, when it moved into the new Temple, which was completed that year. The new Temple was built by “The Masonic Temple Association,” an organization incorporated for that purpose. Much of the work of the building was done by the local brothers.
Kiowa Lodge has recommended the formation of two new Lodges, Byers No. 152, at Byers, Colorado, and Ramah No. 165 at Ramah. The formation of these two Lodges has adversely affected our membership, but was in the best interest of Colorado Masonry, and Kiowa Lodge No. 116 has no regrets for its action in these matters.
Membership November 30, 1960 72