Although many realized the need for a new lodge in rapidly expanding Southwest Denver, no action was taken until 1958 when the Southwest Masonic Club was formed November 24th at the home of Bro. Charles Tecklenburg of Berkeley Lodge No. 134.
Brother Tecklenburg and Brother G. F. Bateman of Lawrence N. Greenleaf Lodge No. 169, who had been obtaining information about the steps necessary to start a new lodge, were assisted by M. W. Bro. Harry W. Bundy, Grand Secretary, in explaining the procedures.
Interest mounted rapidly so that seventy-five Masons attended a meeting January 7th, 1959 in the social hall of the Brentwood Methodist church. R. W. Bro. Albert E. Jameson, Grand Lecturer, presided temporarily.
Officers elected were: President: Bert O. Musser, P.M., Western Star No. 174, Smith Center, Kans.; Senior Vice President: James R. Watson, P.M., College View No. 320, Lincoln, Nebr.; Junior Vice President: Charles Tecklenburg; SecretaryTreasurer: G. F. Bateman.
The name “Friendship” was chosen for the proposed lodge. M. W. Bro. Barnes complimented the group on the selection as Lord Nelson, famed British admiral, had been Master of Friendship Lodge No. 100 of England and later had called his flagship “Friendship”.
Later the Brentwood Grange Hall, 1120 South Irving Street, was selected as the temporary meeting place.
Brother Tecklenburg presented the club with a Masonic Bible April 15, 1959 to start the acquisition of lodge equipment. His resignation as an officer, for personal and business reasons, was accepted with regret. Succeeding him was Robert Reynolds, P.M., Boaz Lodge No. 669, Toledo, Ohio.
Many brothers and lodges contributed lodge furniture and paraphernalia. Englewood No. 166 donated fine officers’ chairs; Miracle No. 182 of Thornton, the altar, candle holders, and projector they had received from Arvada No. 141 to help Miracle get started.
Columns were built by Ralph materials contributed by Joe Karl. and a set of candle holders.
There were forty-four signers to the prayer for dispensation which was granted and delivered by M. W. Bro. Clifford Gobble September 14,1959.
Officers named were W. Bro. Musser, Worshipful Master; W. Bro. Watson, Senior Warden; W. Bro. Reynolds, Junior Warden; Clair Sherman, Sutherland No. 299, Sutherland, Nebr., Treasurer; Bro. Bateman, Secretary; Robert Joseph, Alamosa No. 44, Senior Deacon; John Henry, Berkeley No. 134, Junior Deacon; Ralph Waldron, Jr., Laramie No.3, Laramie, Wyo., Senior Steward; Burnas Kissell, Atwood No. 164, Atwood, Kans., Junior Steward; Donald Wheat, Walter Frensh No. 557, Lansing, Mich., Tiler.
Seven brothers were raised to the Sublime Degree while the lodge was under dispensation.
The charter was granted by the Grand Lodge on January 26, 1960 and delivered by M. W. Bro. Carlton M. Ray February 2, 1960. The presentation was made in spacious Englewood lodge room so the crowd of 160 could be accommodated.
Officers under charter were the same as under dispensation except Ken L. Evers became Chaplain; Bro. Wheat, Marshal, and Carl McAnally, Tiler.