To the courageous spirit of “The Original Seven” and the other pioneers who established Masonic principles in the Rocky Mountain area, this voLume is gratefully dedicated.

My Dear Brethren:
This is a history of the first one hundred years of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Colorado. It has been dedicated to the sincere and faithful pioneer Masons so influential in bringing law and order to the gold mining camps of the Rockies based upon the principles of truth and justice practiced at the altars of Freemasonry. Let us also pay honor to all the good men and true who saw the light of Masonry through these one hundred years, faithfully following the course charted by our pioneer Masonic leaders.
We pay special tribute to George B. Clark, who, as our Grand Lodge Historian and diligent student of our Colorado Masonic Heritage, has preserved the records and much of the source material on which this narrative is based. We also extend our grateful appreciation for the dedicated, faithful and untiring efforts of the Centennial Committee in the preparation of this history.
We are proud of the great record made by our Brothers since the founding of the Grand Lodge, proud of their courage and strength of character, their devotion to the cause of Freemasonry, synonymous with liberty, justice and freedom.
May we and our successors, who follow in their footsteps, be worthy heirs to a great tradition, our Masonic Heritage.
Leon H. Snyder
Grand Master