On April 16, 1881, a dispensation was granted to Corinthian, No. 42 and sponsored by Ionic Lodge No. 35 of Leadville. The officers were John N. Harder, W.M.; F. H. Sutherland, S.W.; Albert L. Ordeau, J .W.; and B. C. Ross, Secretary. Their first meeting U.D. was May 3, 1881. On September 19, 1881, the Charter was read and Corinthian Lodge No. 42 duly opened by J. M. Fox acting for Grand Master Robert A. Quillian.
On Oct. 13, 1881 a disastrous fire destroyed the biggest part of Kokomo including the Lodge Room. On Jan. 11, 1882 with a special dispensation from Ionic Lodge No. 35, the lodge was convened and an election held. A regular meeting was held on Jan. 21, 1882 and business resumed.
On Aug. 15, 1882 the Brethren rented the Odd Fellows Hall and meetings were held there until September 18, 1888 when the present Temple was purchased.
During 1888, No. 42 bought furnishings and refurnished the building; then the Odd Fellows rented from them.
The dining room has been used for a church, voting place, parties and dances, also for an evening school and a post office.
Bro. Ben F. Rich is the one Mason most responsible for not allowing the Charter to lapse, during the lull of mining activities in the area when the resident membership dropped to a minimum of one.
M.W. Grand Master Alphonse A. Burnard visited on July 24,1900.
In December, 1933, it was found that the acting Treasurer had taken all the money but $6.00. However, he deeded his home to the Lodge and the loss was recovered. On May 25, 1943, Grand Master Howard T. Vaille visited No. 42 and told the Master to “hold on to that Charter” and with the help of lodges of Leadville, Breckenridge, Eagle, Minturn and Fairplay it has been done. This Lodge is the highest in the world except the one in Peru, South America. Many railroads have made their appearance at Kokomo but there is none now. Also of the many Custom Mills and Smelters which were in operation nearby, none remains. At present there are a few mills cutting mine timbers for the mines which are operating.
Loyalty of the members and widespread cooperation of other brethren have united to give Corinthian a current, membership in 1960 151