On March 14, 1893, Grand Master Wright issued a dispensation to fifteen Master Masons at Creede, Colorado, to open and form a Lodge to be known as Amethyst Lodge U. D. with Brothers M. P. McArthur, as Worshipful Master; Frank Shimer, Senior Warden, and W. C. Wescott as Junior Warden. This petition was recommended by Del Norte Lodge No. 29.
The Committee on Returns and Works examined the returns and work of severaI lodges and reported on Amethyst Lodge as follows: Dispensation granted March 21, 1893. “The returns are not correct in every particular, but from the entire record, we find fifteen brethren signed the dispensation; six Raised, three admitted to Charter Membership on Petition withdrawn, leaving a total membership of 23. One of these presents no voucher showing his right to membership and his name is left off the list. The By-laws are approved with a few verbal changes to agree with Masonic Law.” “We recommend that a Charter be issued to this Lodge under the name Amethyst Lodge No. 94 with Brothers Marshall P. McArthur, Worshipful Master; Frank Shimer, Senior Warden, and Walter C. Wescott, Junior Warden, and twenty-two other names on Charter.”
A discrepancy in dates of institution is noted. The date on dispensation is March 21, 1892. The dispensation also states Creede in Hinsdale County, and the charter states Mineral County. Possibly Mineral County was created in the interim.
Grand Master Sanford commissioned Worshipful Brother Charles O. Unfug of Walsenburg to constitute and install the officers, which duty was performed Wednesday eve, October 25, 1894.
On August 21, 1948, Most Worshipful Grand Master John R. Swinton called a special communication for the purpose of laying the Cornerstone of the Consolidated School at Creede, Colorado.
Membership of Amethyst Lodge, November 30, 1960 56