When a Mason moves to a new location away from his lodge home, he soon discovers that there are others in like circumstances. If there is no lodge at his new place of residence he soon finds that he, as well as others, is desirous of having a chartered lodge which he can attend, and enjoy the fellowship of Masons in lodge assembled. Such was the situation in Yuma in the year of 1916. Masons who had moved there from many parts of the nation decided to form a lodge in Yuma.
Eighteen Masons petitioned the Grand Lodge for a dispensation to hold lodge meetings and a dispensation was granted on May 9, 1916 by M.W. Bro. Robert M. Simons.
Yuma Lodge U. D. was kept busy in the conferring of degrees. Both stated and special communications were held in order to expedite the work.
At a special communication held November 11, 1916, D.G.M. L D Crain, assisted by Grand Secretary Charles H. Jacobson, presented the lodge with a charter, and it was duly constituted.
Communications were held in a rented hall suitable for the purpose. It was the desire of the lodge members, often discussed at their meetings, to purchase a suitable building. This opportunity was presented in 1924, and the building located at 217 S. Main Street was obtained. The first meeting in the new location was held in September, 1924.
Yuma Lodge has grown from a charter membership of 20 to its present membership of 113. Three charter members were recently honored by a dinner and a lodge meeting at which they were presented with appropriate lapel pins.