The move to start a Masonic lodge in the Surface Creek Valley was begun in 1909 by a group of Master Masons residing in the towns of Austin, Eckert, and Cedaredge. They met in the homes of Charles M. Hopson and Laurance D. King and in the old I.O.O.F. Hall in Eckert.
The petition for a dispensation was signed by 16 brethren and the dispensation was duly granted on February 10, 1910 by M. W. Bro. George W. Musser.
The charter was granted September 20, 1910 and the lodge was constituted on November 18, 1910 by M.W. Bro. N. B. McGaffey.
Some 15 years later, on August 8, 1925, the lodge voted to move from Eckert to Cedaredge. In Cedaredge the lodge met in the I.O.O.F. Hall for many years before moving to other quarters. Finally, after many difficulties during trying times, the corner-stone of a new temple was laid November 10, 1958. At this ceremony M. W. Bro. Donald W. Shaw, P.G.M., acted for the Most Worshipful Grand Master. This temple was formally dedicated by M.W. Bro. Clifford J. Gobble, assisted by others of his staff.
For many years the lodge has held an annual banquet as near to Washington’s birthday as possible. Many brothers have received their 50-year Masonic pins at this meeting; many others have received other awards. Speakers from other lodges have been present; Masonic plays have been presented.
The growth of the lodge has been steady, there being 133 members as of November 30, 1960