Animated by Masonic zeal and believing that the best interests of Freemasonry would be furthered in Denver, sixteen Master Masons met in the offices of William D. Hitchcock, December 17, 1902, and named a Committee for the organization of Albert Pike Lodge. Brother Hitchcock was selected chairman and Brother Charles H. Jacobson, secretary.
On January 9, 1903, an application was submitted to the Most Worshipful Grand Master Marshall H. Dean by thirty-three brethren of the craft. It was approved by the Grand Master on January 12, 1903. Brother William D. Hitchcock was appointed Worshipful Master, Brother William C. Mosher, Senior Warden, and Brother Thomas E. Shears, Junior Warden.
Albert Pike Lodge U. D. held its first communication on January 16, 1903 in the Masonic Temple in Denver. After reading the dispensation, the Worshipful Master appointed the following officers:
Richard M. Malone, Treasurer; Charles H. Jacobson, Secretary; Arthur Ponsford, Senior Deacon; George W. Card, Junior Deacon; George E. Barley, Senior Steward; David A. Mair, Junior Steward; Thomas Nicholl (No. 5), Tiler.
Albert Pike Lodge U. D. met the requirements specified by the Grand Lodge by September 16, 1903 when a charter was issued to Albert Pike Lodge No. 117. The Lodge was formally constituted on September 18, 1903 by Past Grand Master Marshall H. Dean acting for Grand Master James R. Killian. The officers installed were the same officers who served under dispensation except Edward R. Eppich was Junior Deacon instead of George W. Card. Both Grand Master James R. Killian and Past Grand Master Marshall H. Dean gave short and inspiring addresses to the newly constituted Lodge of fifty-two members.
The list of outstanding Masons in the Roster of Albert Pike Lodge No. 117 include such prominent Brethren, viz:
Most Worshipful Brother Marshall H. Dean, Past Grand Master 1903. who was a prominent physician.
Brother Jim Goodheart, Founder of Sunshine Mission.
Brother Charles H. Jacobson who served many years as Grand Secretary of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge as well as No. 117’s Secretary from 1903 to 1906.
Brother Richard H. Malone, formerly Deputy for the Supreme Council, A. & A. S. R. in Colorado.
Founder DeMolay in Colorado Most Worshipful Brother Harper M. Orahood, Past Grand Master 1876.
Worshipful Brother Stanley C. Warner, Past Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Colorado, A. & A. S. R., and Past Eminent Grand Commander of Knights Templar in Colorado.
George E. Barley, Senior Steward David A. Mair, Junior Steward Thomas Nicholl (No. 5), Tiler
Worshipful Brother Benjamin F. Stapleton who was Mayor of Denver, 1923-1931 and 1935 to 1947.
Most Worshipful Brother Glenn B. Van Fleet, Past Grand Master, 1958, and present Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons.
Since 1915 Albert Pike Lodge No. 117 has established and built up the William Fullerton Relief Fund in Memory of Worshipful Brother William Fullerton whose death occurred February 25, 1920. During 1953, the Lodge celebrated its 50th Anniversary. November 30, 1960 membership 486