A group of fifteen Master Masons prompted by the desire to expand the excellent influence of Freemasonry in Colorado assembled at the school building at Fowler, Colorado, during the summer of 1902. They submitted a petition to the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Colorado for a dispensation to create Ashlar Lodge U. D. which was approved on November 3, 1902. At the first meeting on November 10, 1902, the following officers were elected:
C. M. Cooper, Worshipful Master; H. N. Marshall, Senior Warden; W. J. McDonald, Junior Warden; J. F. Outt, Jr., Treasurer; W. D. Kimzey, Secretary
Soon after the Lodge Under Dispensation started to function, the School Building where it had been meeting burned down and a one-half interest was purchased in the Odd Fellows building which was then called Fraternal Hall.
During the period while the Lodge was under dispensation all Grand Lodge requirements were observed and complied with. A charter was granted to Ashlar Lodge No. 115 at the 1903 Grand Lodge Communication.
On Saturday, October 17, 1903, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Masons in Colorado assembled at Fraternal Hall in Fowler, Colorado, and Ashlar Lodge No. 115 was duly constituted by Most Worshipful Brother James R. Killian, Grand Master, who installed the following officers:
Charles Meigs Cooper, Worshipful Master; W. J. McDonald, Senior Warden; J. F. Outt, Jr., Junior Warden; Joseph C. Hedgecock, Senior Deacon; Samuel P. Davis, Junior Deacon; John W. Farlow, Senior Steward; S. S. Roby, Junior Steward; Payton A. Eubanks, Secretary; Josiah S. Solseth, Treasurer; J. F. Outt, Tiler
Ashlar Lodge No. 115 enjoyed and experienced a healthy and prosperous growth during its beginning years, since it met approximately once each week for the purpose of conferring degree work and transacting other important business.
Fire appears to have taken its spite out on Ashlar Lodge No. 115. Soon after the Lodge moved from Fraternal Hall to the Frank Crocker Hall, the Crocker Hall was destroyed by fire and the Lodge moved into the Sargent Hall which the Lodge bought and refurnished in 1934. It is unencumbered by indebtedness. Since October 25, 1904, when Clearwater Chapter, O.E.S., was constituted, the Chapter has rendered most valuable assistance.
During 1919 an outstanding meeting was held jointly with Manzanola Lodge No. 124 to which nearby Lodges and the Pueblo Lodges were invited to attend. The program was the conferring of the Third Degree and a banquet. More than 400 attended this affair; and while the expense was shared by the two Lodges, they discovered that the venture practically depleted their treasuries.
In 1953 Ashlar Lodge No. 115 celebrated its Fiftieth Anniversary and received Most Worshipful Brother Hubert Glover, the Grand Master, who participated and presented Fifty Year Buttons to several of the early members of the Lodge.