A request for a Lodge under dispensation was made to the Grand Lodge by ten Master Masons and granted May 26, 1900 with Henry Copp as Worshipful Master. The Charter was issued to Norwood Lodge No. 111 at the Grand Lodge Session in 1900 with Henry Copp as Worshipful Master. On Saturday, November 17, 1900 Charles F. Painter from Telluride Lodge No. 56 convened the Grand Lodge at Norwood and constituted Norwood Lodge No. 111. There were fourteen charter members present.
Time set for regular meetings was the first and third Fridays of each month at 8:00 P.M. By the end of the year 1900, fifteen petitions for the degrees had been received.
John R. Galloway, D. L. Williams and James Nix were three Past Masters who deserve particular mention for their years of zeal and devotion which kept the lodge alive and active during years of low ebb. A Fiftieth Year Anniversary celebration was considered. The Lodge first met in Norwood Hotel, upstairs next to the Galloway Building and later to the Odd fellows Hall.
At present, the Lodge meets the first and third Saturday nights.
The Grand Lodge record as of November 30, 1960 shows a membership of 182