This Lodge has rather a unique history in that one of the first white settlers, Henry Daigre, who settled here in 1863 was among those who signed a petition requesting the Grand Master of the State of Colorado for a dispensation for a Masonic Lodge in this community.
The request was granted on August 25, 1874. The Charter was dated September 22, 1875. During this year 7 Brethren were received either by initiation or affiliation, and 24 names appear as charter members. Some of the familiar names are: Quillian, Unfug, Daigre, Vasquez, Walsen, Levy, DeOlivera.
During the first year the Lodge met in the upper story of the building which was occupied by the Walsen & Levy Store. In the next year, Charles Mazzone was constructing a new one-story building in the 700 block on South Main and by verbal agreement the Lodge added a second story. This arrangement proved very satisfactory for the records show that the Lodge met there for the next 35 years.
In 1884 eleven brethren dimitted and joined in organizing Lodge No. 59 at La Veta.
In 1901, the Worshipful Master appointed a Building Committee to consider ways and means of building our own Temple. The last meeting held in the old hall was dated June 18, 1910. The first meeting in our new Temple was dated July 2, 1910. The dedication ceremonies took place on September 10 with Grand Master George W. Musser and other Grand Officers in attendance. About 150 persons, Masons, their wives and members of the Eastern Star were in attendance.
The first candidate to receive his work in the new Temple was Brother John B. Griffis, who afterward served this Lodge so well as its secretary.
The Lodge has twice been honored by the Grand Lodge. In 1881 Past Master for many terms, Robert A. Quillen, was installed as Grand Master. Then again in 1903, Brother James R. Killian was elevated to the same office.
In 1917, the annual Past Masters night was inaugurated when Brother Walter R. Shade was Master. It is held annually either on Memorial Day or the Saturday nearest that holiday.
Members, 1960 260