Saint Vrain Masonic Lodge # 23 A.F. & A.M.
312 Main Street,
Longmont, Colorado.
Current Contacts
Barnert, Doug, Secretary F. 917-754-5942
Harris, Gregory F. 720-652-0815 Email:
Noble, Darrell J. 866-764-8324
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday’s at 6:30 PM.
Recess: June, July and August
On June 22, 1872, Most Worshipful Grand Master Henry M. Teller granted a dispensation to a group of about 20 Master Masons with Ed B. Newman as Worshipful Master, W. M. Rech as Senior Warden and E. J. Coffman as Junior Warden. On June 6, the first meeting was held in the Thompson Building, located at the corner of 5th and Main Streets. The city of Longmont at this time was about one year old.The Lodge was named after the well known and celebrated pioneer, Ceran St. Vrain who was a member of Montezuma Lodge No. 109 at Santa Fe, New Mexico Territory and who, together with Charles Bent, in 1837, built Fort St. Vrain which is now Platteville.
The first Brother to receive his degrees was W.W Secor. The charter was received on Sept. 25, 1872. Brother Ed B. Newman Worshipful Master.
In 1877, the Lodge moved to larger quarters which were the property of the Methodist Church and met there until it moved into the new Temple in 1883.
In 1879, Past Master Byron L. Carr was elected Grand Master. In 1885, Brother George E. Wyman was also elected Grand Master. In 1873, Bro. Byron Carr assisted in drafting the Colorado State Constitution and in 1896 he was elected Colorado State Attorney. Bro. E. F. Beckweth was elected Secretary of State in 1898.
In 1890, St. Vrain Lodge assisted brethren of the Berthoud district in forming their Lodge which has since been known as No. 80. During this year the membership reached 100.
In 1892, electricity was insta1led in the Temple as well as the Lodge Rooms.
Early in Feb. 1905, fire completely destroyed the Temple. The only thing salvaged was the fire-proof safe which contained all records. The Odd Fellows of this city proved to be very good friends. Their Lodge rooms were used until our Temple was completely restored. At this time signs were posted marked “No Smoking”.
In 1908, No. 23 assisted in organizing the Lodge at Lyons.
In 1911 our Brother L. H. Dickson passed away. He was Worshipful Master in 1879, Tiler from 1894 to 1911, as well as Mayor of Longmont from 1881 through 1885. This year the membership passed the 200 mark
In 1922 the 50th celebration was held. Two charter members were present. The mortgage of the new Temple was burned. Membership was 300.
In 1927, Bro. John Andrew was elected Grand Master. During this year Bro. J. W. Denio who had served this Lodge as Treasurer for 34 years resigned. In 1939, Bro. Alex M. Preston, the last charter member of this Lodge passed away. In 1947, our Bro. and Past Grand Master, John Andrews passed away. In 1950, the membership passed the 400 mark. In 1952, Bro. L. B. Flanders who served as Treasurer of the Lodge for 25 years passed away and Bro. Joseph Goforth, who served as Tiler for 33 years resigned. In 1958, No. 23 assisted in forming the Lodge at Estes Park
It is interesting to note that 20 of the 34 men elected as Mayor of Longmont have been Master Masons.
Three charter members have served this Lodge as Worshipful Masters. It has assisted in laying corner-stones of the following public buildings: Bryant Pubiic School, the City Hall, the Post Office, Erie High School; also assisted in the dedication of the Masonic Temple at Johnstown.
Members, 1960 490
“Freemasonry is for those people who which to improve themselves spiritually, mentally and physically, as a parent and a friend, as a member of the community and ultimately as a servant of God.”