The special dispensation for Oasis No. 67 was dated April 25, 1887 and the Lodge began operation immediately with Brothers H. M. Putman W. M., M. E. Lowe S. W., and M. N. Wagner as J. W., together with 13 other brothers as signers of the request. The Charter was dated September 21st and contained 18 Charter Members, with the same three Brothers as officers.
U. C. Killabrew was the first candidate to receive the Degrees after Charter was granted.
The first meeting was held upstairs over the Clarke Mercantile Company Store. in the next year No. 67 sponsored both the Akron and Wray Masonic Lodges.
In April, 1891 the first Masonic funeral was held when our Brother J. H. Christie passed away.
In November, 1895 the Lodge moved to a larger location. Brother G. W. Robinson was building a new structure and by agreement the second floor was designed for Masonic Lodge use.
In 1905 the Masonic Temple Association was formed and it immediately purchased lots. In June of the following year the cornerstone for the Temple was laid and on January 1st, 1907 the Lodge moved into its new home. However the Temple was not officially dedicated until 1911 when the Grand Master and his staff of officers performed the ceremonies.
By 1925 the Temple was paid for and free of debt. However, almost immediately it became necessary to enlarge and remodel the building.
During the first 50 years, 57 Brothers were acccpted by Affiliation. In 1942 our own Past Master George Twombly brought further honor to our Lodge by being elected Grand Master.
Brother A. Clyde Berryhill was elected secretary 18 straight years beginning in 1928. Past Master Donald C. Hunter was also elected treasurer 9 consecutive years. Upon the retirement of Brother Berryhill, Brother Hlinter was elected secretary in 1946 and was re-elected each year through 1955.
The following Sister Lodges played an important role in the development of No. 67: Greeley No. 20, Sterling No. 54, Julesburg No. 70, Wray No. 71, Akron No. 74, and Holyoke No. 81.
Membership, 1960 412