For several months in the latter part of 1871, the necessity of a Masonic lodge in the Littleton area had been discussed by a group of Masons. A petition for a dispensation was submitted to the Grand Lodge and on March 1, 1872, the dispensation was granted by M.W.G.M. Henry M. Teller. The lodge minutes do not show that a charter was received. They merely indicate a change from “U.D.” to “No. 22”.
The meeting nights were set as the first and third Saturdays of each month and have been changed only once. That was for a short time when the meetings were held only on the first Saturday.
The first stated communication was held April 8, 1872 at the corner of what was then Rapp Avenue and Alamo Street. Nearly 50 years later, after several moves, Weston Lodge occupied its present Temple, just across the alley from its first meeting place. This Temple was dedicated on November 19, 1921 by M. W. Bro. Marshall H. Van Fleet.
There were only a few communications held between July 13, 1878 and November 4, 1882. At several meetings a charter surrender was discussed and on at least two occasions a ballot was taken but it was decided the lodge should continue its struggle for survival.
The 3 original chairs used by the Master and Wardens, the original jewels and officers’ aprons, the original three Great Lights and many other items of historic interest are still in possession of the lodge.
There were 400 members on November 30, 1960.